great for educators

Let’s hear it for non-frustrating crafts! The boomloom makes an effortless introduction to weaving for ages about 7 and up. Perfect for intro-to-weaving workshops, school classrooms, craft night for community groups, and more. Ask about our discounts for orders of 5 or more. Instructions for simple classroom projects available.

great for experts

Already know how to weave? Keep your textile practice vital while traveling or working on bigger projects. Like a full-sized loom at your fingertips, the boomloom allows you to make swatches and samples, and test compositions, color combinations, and new yarns. But I don’t need to tell you — you already know what to do.

great for crafters and kids

Confidence is so key when learning a new skill! Easy to start, easy to finish; no more abandoned projects. Keeper slots make warping easy without knots. Heddle bar does the hard work for you. Portable, sturdy, rewarding. One mom wrote us, “My kids are Alaska Native, and weaving is a traditional art form here, but it has been hard to find simple ways to get them started, and this is such a great introduction to it!”